Monday, October 28, 2013

Helpful Information for Learning Adobe Illustrator!

In class today, we will review what we've covered so far, and how those skills can lead to you making amazing work in Adobe Illustrator!

Click this link for a list of hotkeys!
(There is a very descriptive menu that helps with finding the hot keys you're looking for!)

The webpage is called (45 Fresh And Best Adobe Illustrator Tutorials.)

 One of the best and most economically sound examples of using Illustrator in practical application!

Notes about Illustrator to remember:

The greatest strength of illustrator is that we create images in it using VECTOR GRAPHICS!

Vector Graphics scale up and down without limit! That is, we can scale our images as big or as small as we want without pixelated or jagged edges!  It definitely comes in handy when wanting to make a design and use it in as many places as possible, including the aforementioned Teefury website.  Many an artist has made money selling designs to "graphic tee" websites like Teefury.

As a point of contrast, Photoshop works with RASTER GRAPHICS, which are compiled through many tiny pixels, as opposed to the mathematical equations that create vectored images.

With varying degrees of success, you can Vectorize a Rasterized Image.  There may be some loss of color information when you do.  You can also Rasterize a Vectorized Image, but will lose the ability to scale infinitely.

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