Thursday, February 27, 2014

Homework for Tuesday!

Homework for Tuesday is Simple:  Please print your designs (fully colored) for your Papercraft, build your Papercraft, and bring it to class to turn in!

1.  Click Setup after selecting FILE ---> Print.

2. In the setup window, select FIERY FEATURES, and set the tray to "Bypass Tray."  Set the paper type thickness to either THICK 2, THICK 3, or if you are using the epson paper in the store, THICK 4.

3.  Place your paper in the side tray (right tray) of the printer.

For all of you, I placed that entire stack of card stock in the bottom tray of the printer, with the rest of the spare paper.

AS A FINAL NOTE:  I noticed a weird trick for the printer.  If you get an error message that says "Paper needs to be fed properly" or something similar, do one of the following:
  1. If your work on illustrator is Landscape, place your paper in Portrait Style (short side facing printer)
  2. If your work on illustrator is Portrait, place your paper in Landscape Style (long side facing printer)
If you do not, you may experience paper jams.  If you do, follow the instructions on the fiery printer to remove your paper. Email me if you have any other questions!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Notes from Class: Continue working on your Art for Wednesday!

In your epic quest for awesome art, always have the following in order for yourself:

1) Keeping your layers properly setup.
   A) Either creating one object in each layer
Example: Lineart
   B) Or keeping your colors and patterns divided
Details on top
Details 2
Details 1
Base Color
   C) A mixture of both works best!
2) Color Choice

  • Do you have a color scheme?
  • Are you using patterns and gradients? How are you putting them together? Do they feel cohesive or separate?
  • What shapes are they going to be?  Do you have an idea of what the final result will be?
3) Creating your Art:

  • Tools at your Disposal:
  • Opacities:
  • Gradients:
  • Shape and Contrast:
  • Did you make sketches first?
  • Do you have a plan for constructing your art?
  • Are you watching for craftsmanship?


Show Rulers:  Command + R
Group Objects: Command + G
Use the Pathfinder tool for Patterns!

(Hotkeys for Moving objects in Layers)
Send to Front:  Shift + Command + ]
Move Forward: Command + ]
Move Backawrd: Command + [
Send to Back: Shift + Command + [

Eyedropper Tool:  (i)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Project 3 and 4: Papercraft! (Stage 1 is homework for Tuesday)

Papercraft are defined in many ways, by many different people.  However, the most common elements of those definitions are "3-D objects, constructed from folding 2-D paper into geometrical forms."

In this project, you will be tasked with creating your own Papercraft characters!  In the post below, I have posted a few website examples from artists who have turned the art of papercraft into a thriving business.  Once you understand the variety of possibilities in constructing different characters and objects, you will see the kind of options an artist has in applying Adobe Illustrator to real-world creations that take up space?

A mouthful?  Yep.  Simply put, Illustrator will help us make a model for our character that we can print out, and then fold to create our final design.

This projects is a combination of three things:  Illustration, Sculpture, Color theory, and Photography. The way we are going to accomplish this is in stages:

Stage 1:  (Due Tuesday, Feb 18th)
  • Find a papercraft character design that interests you online.  There are millions more beyond the websites below.  Print out and construct the character you find, making note of the kind of cuts, folds, and design elements used to construct that character. The best way to understand how to make papercraft is to make it yourself first!
  • Afterward, you will design a character of your own!  Please be advised to not use copyrighted designs as your base template.  Find what works in the designs you research, and apply the best elements of each into a design of your own creation!  The trick to this project is designing a layout that can fold to make a solid 3D form, or collection of 3D forms.  You will have to think spatially to see your design come to life.
  • Next, you will make a few sketches of your character, selecting a color scheme from  Remember I said you are allowed a color scheme of 6 colors. 5 must adhere to a specific color scheme, and the sixth can be any color you choose.
  • Your sketches must include an initial layout and design of the character you want to make as if it was unfolded onto a sheet of paper. I have shown examples in class, and will post one here.

Stage 2:  Construction (details next week)

We will spend the next week in class creating our design templates in Illustrator, testing them out by printing them using the fiery printer, and then adding in our color and surface details so we create the full design for our characters.  Depending on whether or not your character can stand, you may have to revise your character.  Once we create designs we are happy with, we will print them out on higher-grade paper, so our characters are more stable.

Stage 3: Photography:

At this stage, we will divide into groups to photograph our creations, both solo, and as a group.  You must create interesting photographic compositions using the supplied lighting and a digital camera on your end.  We will do some rudimentary editing of these photos in photoshop, to begin incorporating other techniques into our art.

Stage 4 leads into typography, which will be the start of project 4.

Sample Papercraft Websites for Study:

CUBECRAFT.COM (remember: designs on this site, and the cube construction template are under copyright, meaning you can not make one that follows the same design.)


Canon's Free Site of Printable Characters

A group think-tank of papercraft characters:

Remember! You can find a hundred more examples by simply googling "papercraft"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

For Tuesday!

Revise your Gestalt Principles projects, and create a Version 2 to turn into class with revisions we covered!

Have the following for me on Tuesday:
  1. PRINTED copies of your Self Portrait,  Version 1 of your Gestalt Project, and Version 2 of your project. 3 sheets.  Failure to have all of these elements will result in late assignments and lowering the grades of your projects by one full letter.
  2. Files of each of those three projects.  Save out PDF's of each to turn in to me on the server on Monday. We did 2 in class. Do it again for your Version 2.
  3. For those of you that do not have print cards, get one by Tuesday.

Have a nice weekend! Email me if you have any questions!