Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fall 2012 Syllabus

FD 170 – Digital Foundations
Mac Lab 1
T,TH 1-3:35

Jill L. Wissmiller
Office Hours: T, W, TH 3:35-4:35

Course Description
This class is an introduction to the basics of understanding digital procedures and improving ones visual skills and concept development through the use of digital production tools. This will include research and fundamental visual design principles connected with a non-traditional way of working via digital methods.

Course Outcome Objectives
To familiarize students with the methods of digital production while developing their visual design skills

Re-enforce fundamental visual design principles.

Build a stronger digital basics skill set.

To be able to use the digital methods to develop layout compositions.
Develop an understanding of digital terminology and vocabulary.

Professional Practice Outcomes
Students will demonstrate the ability to write an artist statement.

Students will demonstrate the ability to document their work.

Students will demonstrate the ability to exhibit work beyond the classroom.
Students will demonstrate the ability to research to stay current in their field.

Overview of materials and methods used, including utilizing traditional visual design principles, Mac OS. For example, visual topics, including symmetry, line art, tonal scale, elements of motion in the making of art processes.

Class demonstrations, use of software and hardware tools.

Class discussions and critiques.

Pop quizzes covering the materials presented in class and outside readings and screenings. All quizzes will be open notes. Your notes must be handwritten.

You must receive copyright permission for all non-public domain media used in your film projects. Public domain material can be found at http://www.publicdomain.org/ and http://www.creativecommons.org/. Visit American University's Center for Social Media Website for detailed information regarding the difference between rights infringement and fair use.

Assignments and Requirements

In Class Discussion, Critique, and Exercises
You will be expected to do original analyses of your work and that of others – your peers and recognized professionals and to complete in class exercises illustrating the techniques presented. Extra time outside of class will be needed to master the skills and complete the exercises presented in class.

You will be required to keep a blog for this course that includes thumbnails, sketches, assignment write-ups and final documentation for each assignment. You should also use these spaces for idea development exercises and reading /screening responses.

Visiting Artist Lectures
You are required to attend 50% of these lectures and post a short review to your blog.

Analogue Arts and Culture Review
Attend and review 1 arts or cultural event per week. Post your review to your blog.

Learning Accommodations
In compliance with MCA policy and equal access laws, I am available to discuss appropriate academic accommodations that you may require as a student with a disability. Request for academic accommodations need to be made during the first week of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can be made.

Health and Safety Precautions
As more and more work, education and recreation involves computers, everyone needs to be aware of the hazard of Repetitive Strain Injury to the hands and arms resulting from the use of computer keyboards and mice. This can be a serious and very painful condition that is far easier to prevent than to cure once contracted, and can occur even in young physically fit individuals. Paul Marxhausen – visit his site below

All students are required to follow the standards detailed in the "EPA Material Handling Protocols

Evaluation and Grading
Grading will be based on:
Creativity, aesthetic and conceptual development
Technical execution
Participation in critique and class discussions
Blog and Sketchbook development
Assignment write-ups
Visiting Artists Lecture reviews
A/C reviews

Assignments are due at 1pm on their scheduled dates. If you are to miss a scheduled due date, work must be handed in prior to absence. Points will be deducted for failure to participate in critique. Late assignments will not be accepted. Lost files are not an excuse for a late assignment. Loss of data, files, or other associated items needed for any assignment or project will require that you recreate your work, with no exceptions. You are solely responsible for the security of your files. Your files are not 100% secure on the server or computer. You should have multiple copies on multiple sources at all times. No files are safe unless backed up to 3 locations.

Attendance Policy
Punctual, consistent attendance and serious participation in class is required for receiving credit. If there are five absences during the semester, credit will not be granted. If you have three absences, your grade will be lowered by one letter grade. Three late arrivals/early departures = 1 absence.

Readings and Resources
There are no required textbooks for this course. All readings will be made available online or handed out in class.

Materials and Supplies
Thumb Drive or External Hard Drive
Printer Card

Department and Lab Policies
Immediately submit an online tech request to report any problems with a lab computer or printer. 

Main MCA computing info site = mcalabs.net  -- go here for answers to frequently asked questions and online tutorials for MCA specific technologies.

No Food or Drinks in Lab.

Keep the Lab Clean. Dispose of all trash -- Paper scraps, old media etc.

Leave your workstation in an orderly fashion. All materials left on the desktop will be deleted. Organize files within the documents folder on your account. Delete your trash from your desktop and trash bin. 

Back up work to an external source. Remember files are only safe if they exist in 3 separate locations. MCA servers are not to be considered secure and used only for temporary storage.  

Log Out of your workstation prior to your departure. Upon your departure, the chair should be pushed in. Your monitor, keyboard and mouse should be placed in their proper positions.


  1. Where are the assignment write-up details?

    1. I've been meaning to ask the same thing for the past five days.
