- The lyrics to your favorite song of choice.
- An mp3, or youtube link to your favorite song.
- Check out this link for an introduction to type and type terminology: http://graphicdesign.spokanefalls.edu/tutorials/process/type_basics/We will cover these terms in class after our primer in photoshop.
Class on Wednesday will be as follows:
- 9:05 - 10:25: Watching Movie: Helvetica
- 10:30 - 11:35: Demonstration of type tools in photoshop, and masking. (Rudimentary in-class work period for your next project!)
You will create a typographic image that illustrates the meaning behind the lyrics of your favorite song. We will begin to talk about the use of different typefaces, as well as proper naming of the different parts that make up a line of type. You will be responsible to locate and use fonts that add to the overall atmosphere. We will cover examples of good and bad typographic design to help you do this.
You will be responsible for creating the first draft of your project which will be due next monday. (Digital copy only.) In class on Monday, we will continue working on these projects, and you will be asked to acquire feedback from 2 of your classmates:
- 1) Someone you know well in class.
- 2) Someone you do not know well in class.
This is a good chance for you to get to know your classmates a little better, and gain a fresh perspective of the work you are doing.
- Make note of their comments! Structure your critique of your work in a sliding scale of 5 comments, based on the following:
- 1st: What is the most successful thing about your image? (STORYTELLING) (+ +)
- 2nd: (+)
- 3rd: (*) Something working, but still needs to be refined further.
- 4th: (-)
- 5th: What is the thing that needs the most improvement in your image? (- -)
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